Beneficial Owners

Adding beneficial owner information to Markaaz Vault

What is a beneficial owner?

A beneficial owner is an individual who owns or controls more than 25% of a company's shares or voting rights. Adding beneficial owners makes it easier for you to apply for financing offers through the Markaaz Dashboard.


Why am I inviting beneficial owners?  

Some of the services we connect you with, like loan or credit card programs, may require knowledge of the beneficial owners of your business. To collect and share this information securely, we enable you to invite your beneficial owners via a secure link, which only you, at your discretion, share with the recipients of your choice.  


Add Beneficial Owner


Examples of beneficial owners:

  • For a sole proprietorship, the beneficial owner is the sole person working in that business.
  • For a partnership with 50/50 ownership, both partners are beneficial owners.
  • In larger companies and corporations, those responsible for managing and directing the business are beneficial owners and may include executive officers or senior managers, such as the CEO, CFO, COO, Managing Member, General Partner, President, Vice President, or Treasurer.  


Beneficial Owner Add


How will I know if my beneficial owners filled out their form?

The Markaaz Dashboard provides alerts when beneficial owners complete the information requested. You can check alerts by clicking on the 'bell' icon in the upper right corner of the Dashboard.