Descriptions for all the business health metrics
Field Name | Description |
bankruptcy | Indicates that a business has had a bankruptcy in their current or past history - ‘Y’ if bankruptcy identified, ‘null’ (no value) if it isn’t. |
markaazFailureRiskScore | The Markaaz Failure Risk Score is a prediction of the likelihood of a business ceasing operations with a loss to creditors within a 12‐month period. Businesses are assigned a risk rating ranging from 1 to 9, with a zero indicating bankruptcy. A high rating indicates a high likelihood of business failure, and a low rating indicates lower chances of business failure. |
markaazCreditRiskScore | The Markaaz Credit Risk score measures the risk of a business becoming severely delinquent within a 12-month period. Businesses are assigned a value ranging from 103 to 600, with high values indicating lower chances of severe delinquency. A score of zero indicates bankruptcy on file. Values which are greater than 500 are considered to be good values for credit risk score. |
markaazGlobalCreditRiskScore | This is the global data normalization of a credit risk score. |