What does the Parent Type Code 9xxx data field mean?

Learn more about the different types of parent companies that can be part of the company hierarchy data

Parent Type Code Description Definition
9000 Subsidiary Parent (Immediate) A site that is registered on its own and files its taxes separately and has its own financial and legal responsibility, but is currently owned by another commercial legal entity.
9001 Domestic Parent Highest level parent for a specific country, not always the Global Ultimate. It is calculated at the time of delivery to a customer based on the following rule: report the highest parent in the family tree within the same country as the site location. 
9002 Global Parent The top site within a Corporate Family Tree; typically the company headquarters.
9003 Affiliate Global Parent This is designed to represent non-ownership relationships for a limited number of family trees. An example of this would be a Allstate Insurance single site, single owner franchisee. From a legal perspective this is simply a small business, Allstate Insurance corporate has no equity in the business nor legal responsibility for the debts of this firm. This is the traditional “risk” view of the business that is appropriate when it comes to extending credit. However, there is a business relationship in place between the franchise store and the franchisor – Allstate Insurance . In some cases it is helpful for marketing purposes to “link” all of the Allstate Insurance locations together as a brand family.